Holiday Cheer

Tis the season!  The season of icy cold weather and toasty warm beverages. The season of giving and receiving presents, and coming together just to share your presence. The season of joy and cheer abundant for friends and family alike. That is what the holiday season used to remind us of. This was before this year took place. Each one of us went through and experienced something different this year, but we all faced some sort of hardship. Some come together with loved ones (in safe & responsible numbers) in search of that joy. Some find a different kind of joy, in a not-so-secret place. (hint hint: it’s the reason for the season)

In a year where what used to be different has become somewhat normal and our normal has become very different, everything around us has changed some shape, form, or fashion. Whether it’s how or where we are working from, what we’re doing, or even who we are doing it for. Nothing is the same as it was just a year ago. And that is something that everyone is coping with in their own way. However, despite the fact that the world is changing before our very eyes, there is a source of peace and normalcy. And it is so much more easy to attain than we think. We tend to overcomplicate it when we make it our own sometimes though, which might lead us to stress rather than the initially intended salvation.

One way people tend to destress is by cooking. There is just something about taking things of different textures, temperatures, and consistencies and bringing them together to make something that will bring joy to yourself and others. Come the holiday season, cooking usually transitions to it’s most glorified form of baking. In times like these, baked goods might feel like the only sweet things we have access to. Cookies and candy are much easier to come by than a smile in a grocery store… So it should come as no surprise when countless families come together to create some delectable treats in an effort to fill bellies with snacks, and hearts with smiles. However cookies and gifts aside, there is something far greater in store for us which will outlast any season. 

What if I told you that there was a joy that you could hold in your heart, no matter the time of year? What if I shared with you the source of happiness that was nothing but pure truth and promises over your life? And what if I told you that you did not need to have a large amount of money in your bank account to gain access to this great splendor? To be wrapped up in never-ending grace and mercy is completely free-of-cost, no burden on the wallet. Well my friend, let me tell you that all you need to do to gain access to this love undeniable is to love first Jesus Christ. That’s right. All we need to do is be willing to seek Him wholeheartedly, and give up the toxic things that keep us far from Him and one another. 

Our Heavenly Father wants nothing more for us than for us to be completely blanketed in love and confidence, and far from fear and shame. We do things daily that we might think would keep us from being “good enough” for the Holy One that we call God, and that can feel crippling in day to day life. But He knew every hair on our heads before we were born. So it should come as no surprise when God wants us to be in constant relationship with Him, in the good times and the bad. He is quick to forgive and slow to anger, no matter how big or small the struggle we may be facing. All we need to do is seek Him, and give up our own hateful hurtful ways of the world. Once we make the choice to give our lives over to Him,  all of the things that were meant to be good and nice like cookies and cake will seem all the more sweet. So let’s indulge in His love, and taste the sweetness of God’s grace and mercy. It won’t fall away like the leaves, or melt away with the snow. He promises.